Major Difference Between Egg Donation and Surrogacy Processes

When it comes to learn about the complexities of ART (Assisted reproductive treatments), people only get to believe about the same after getting into the nerve of it. This is where they get to believe anything or everything serve to them in relation to the given subject. Well, when we are talking about fertility treatments, Surrogacy and egg donation services hasn’t been untouched from the same prospect. To get a deep understanding of the same concept, we must look into the detailed definition for both of these concepts. Surrogacy Surrogacy comes as a process where a surrogate mother carries the child for the intended parents for free or in return of some monetary benefits. There could be possibility when the sperm/egg or both can be derived from the intended parents and an embryo gets developed whilst mixing them in a lab dish (IVF process). The same embryo then gets transplanted into the uterus of the surrogate mother and the doctors will carry on further tests after few ...