Infertility and it’s All the Major Related Misconceptions Around

It’s since many years now that infertility has been quoted as a black spot for the dignity of most of the women around. Even though the issues are persistent with the men fraternity as well in the similar terms, women have mostly been targeted in the whole process. Moreover, it has now been deemed as a social disgrace for some individuals (particularly women) around. Even though the medical technology has seen some big advancement in the years passed by, there are still people around which are surrounded with various untrue misconceptions and myths about infertility treatment . With that said, let’s have a look at some of the major ones. 1. Infertility is a “Women’s issue” only It’s since ages that women have been at the center of all the insult in terms of being infertile. Be it the Indian society or in general, they have to face the major wrath from around everywhere. Even though it’s now medically proceed that the men also come with an equal contribution in the same ...