Egg Freezing: Things You Should Know Before Freezing Your Eggs!

This technology of egg freezing is a boon for the women today who are willing to delay their pregnancy due to medical needs or any other reasons or priorities. After IVF, egg freezing is the next big technological advancement in the field of fertility. Using these technique women can get pregnant at the time of their choice. Let us read some about things that we should be aware about before getting your egg freezing process done- Eggs should be frozen at a young age but not at a very young age: The highest live birth rate from previously frozen eggs is reported to be shown from women who are below the age of 30. However, women usually decide to freeze their eggs in between 30-40. Average age considered to freeze eggs is 37. For best results women should freeze their eggs before the age of 36 as the quality of quantity of eggs remain good and are most likely to be used in future. It is true that freezing the eggs at a much younger age may result in a good number of high q...